/**************************************************************************//** * @file i2c.c * @version V1.00 * $Revision: 5 $ * $Date: 15/05/26 4:24p $ * @brief Mini58 series I2C driver source file * * @note * Copyright (C) 2015 Nuvoton Technology Corp. All rights reserved. *****************************************************************************/ #include "Mini58Series.h" /** @addtogroup Mini58_Device_Driver Mini58 Device Driver @{ */ /** @addtogroup Mini58_I2C_Driver I2C Driver @{ */ /** @addtogroup Mini58_I2C_EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS I2C Exported Functions @{ */ /** * @brief This function make I2C module be ready and set the wanted bus clock. * @param[in] i2c is the base address of I2C module. * @param[in] u32BusClock is the target bus speed of I2C module. * @return Actual I2C bus clock frequency. */ uint32_t I2C_Open(I2C_T *i2c, uint32_t u32BusClock) { uint32_t u32Div; u32Div = (uint32_t) (((SystemCoreClock * 10)/(u32BusClock * 4) + 5) / 10 - 1); /* Compute proper divider for I2C clock */ i2c->CLKDIV = u32Div; /* Enable I2C */ i2c->CTL |= I2C_CTL_I2CEN_Msk; return ( SystemCoreClock / ((u32Div+1)<<2) ); } /** * @brief This function closes the I2C module. * @param[in] i2c is the base address of I2C module. * @return none */ void I2C_Close(I2C_T *i2c) { /* Reset SPI */ if(i2c == I2C0) { SYS->IPRST1 |= SYS_IPRST1_I2C0RST_Msk; SYS->IPRST1 &= ~SYS_IPRST1_I2C0RST_Msk; } else { SYS->IPRST1 |= SYS_IPRST1_I2C1RST_Msk; SYS->IPRST1 &= ~SYS_IPRST1_I2C1RST_Msk; } /* Disable I2C */ i2c->CTL &= ~I2C_CTL_I2CEN_Msk; } /** * @brief This function clears the timeout flag. * @param[in] i2c is the base address of I2C module. * @return none */ void I2C_ClearTimeoutFlag(I2C_T *i2c) { i2c->TOCTL |= I2C_TOCTL_TOIF_Msk; } /** * @brief This function sets the control bit of the I2C module. * @param[in] i2c is the base address of I2C module. * @param[in] u8Start sets START bit to I2C module. * @param[in] u8Stop sets STOP bit to I2C module. * @param[in] u8Si sets SI bit to I2C module. * @param[in] u8Ack sets ACK bit to I2C module. * @return none */ void I2C_Trigger(I2C_T *i2c, uint8_t u8Start, uint8_t u8Stop, uint8_t u8Si, uint8_t u8Ack) { uint32_t u32Reg = 0; if (u8Start) u32Reg |= I2C_STA; if (u8Stop) u32Reg |= I2C_STO; if (u8Si) u32Reg |= I2C_SI; if (u8Ack) u32Reg |= I2C_AA; i2c->CTL = (i2c->CTL & ~0x3C) | u32Reg; } /** * @brief This function disables the interrupt (EI bit) of I2C module. * @param[in] i2c is the base address of I2C module. * @return none */ void I2C_DisableInt(I2C_T *i2c) { i2c->CTL &= ~I2C_CTL_INTEN_Msk; } /** * @brief This function enables the interrupt (EI bit) of I2C module. * @param[in] i2c is the base address of I2C module. * @return none */ void I2C_EnableInt(I2C_T *i2c) { i2c->CTL |= I2C_CTL_INTEN_Msk; } /** * @brief This function returns the real bus clock of I2C module. * @param[in] i2c is the base address of I2C module. * @return Actual I2C bus clock frequency. */ uint32_t I2C_GetBusClockFreq(I2C_T *i2c) { uint32_t u32Divider = i2c->CLKDIV; return ( SystemCoreClock / ((u32Divider+1)<<2) ); } /** * @brief This function enables the interrupt (EI bit) of I2C module. * @param[in] i2c is the base address of I2C module. * @param[in] u32BusClock is the target bus speed of I2C module. * @return Actual I2C bus clock frequency. */ uint32_t I2C_SetBusClockFreq(I2C_T *i2c, uint32_t u32BusClock) { uint32_t u32Div; u32Div = (uint32_t) (((SystemCoreClock * 10)/(u32BusClock * 4) + 5) / 10 - 1); /* Compute proper divider for I2C clock */ i2c->CLKDIV = u32Div; return ( SystemCoreClock / ((u32Div+1)<<2) ); } /** * @brief This function gets the interrupt flag (SI bit) of I2C module. * @param[in] i2c is the base address of I2C module. * @return Interrupt flag. * @retval 0 Flag is not set. * @retval 1 Flag is set. */ uint32_t I2C_GetIntFlag(I2C_T *i2c) { return ( (i2c->CTL & I2C_CTL_SI_Msk) == I2C_CTL_SI_Msk ? 1:0 ); } /** * @brief This function returns the status of I2C module. * @param[in] i2c is the base address of I2C module. * @return Status. */ uint32_t I2C_GetStatus(I2C_T *i2c) { return ( i2c->STATUS ); } /** * @brief This function returns the data stored in data register of I2C module. * @param[in] i2c is the base address of I2C module. * @return Data. */ uint32_t I2C_GetData(I2C_T *i2c) { return ( i2c->DAT ); } /** * @brief This function writes the data to data register of I2C module. * @param[in] i2c is the base address of I2C module. * @param[in] u8Data is the data which will be write to data register of I2C module. * @return none */ void I2C_SetData(I2C_T *i2c, uint8_t u8Data) { i2c->DAT = u8Data; } /** * @brief Configure slave address and enable GC mode. * @param[in] i2c is the base address of I2C module. * @param[in] u8SlaveNo is the set number of salve address. * @param[in] u8SlaveAddr is the slave address. * @param[in] u8GCMode enable GC mode. * @return none */ void I2C_SetSlaveAddr(I2C_T *i2c, uint8_t u8SlaveNo, uint8_t u8SlaveAddr, uint8_t u8GCMode) { switch (u8SlaveNo) { case 0: i2c->ADDR0 = (u8SlaveAddr << 1) | u8GCMode; break; case 1: i2c->ADDR1 = (u8SlaveAddr << 1) | u8GCMode; break; case 2: i2c->ADDR2 = (u8SlaveAddr << 1) | u8GCMode; break; case 3: i2c->ADDR3 = (u8SlaveAddr << 1) | u8GCMode; break; default: i2c->ADDR0 = (u8SlaveAddr << 1) | u8GCMode; } } /** * @brief Configure the mask of slave address. The corresponding address bit is "Don't Care". * @param[in] i2c is the base address of I2C module. * @param[in] u8SlaveNo is the set number of salve address. * @param[in] u8SlaveAddrMask is the slave address mask. * @return none */ void I2C_SetSlaveAddrMask(I2C_T *i2c, uint8_t u8SlaveNo, uint8_t u8SlaveAddrMask) { switch (u8SlaveNo) { case 0: i2c->ADDRMSK0 = u8SlaveAddrMask << 1; break; case 1: i2c->ADDRMSK1 = u8SlaveAddrMask << 1; break; case 2: i2c->ADDRMSK2 = u8SlaveAddrMask << 1; break; case 3: i2c->ADDRMSK3 = u8SlaveAddrMask << 1; break; default: i2c->ADDRMSK0 = u8SlaveAddrMask << 1; } } /** * @brief This function enables timeout function and configures DIV4 function to support long timeout. * @param[in] i2c is the base address of I2C module. * @param[in] u8LongTimeout Enable timeout counter input clock is divide by 4. * @return none. */ void I2C_EnableTimeout(I2C_T *i2c, uint8_t u8LongTimeout) { if(u8LongTimeout) i2c->TOCTL |= I2C_TOCTL_TOCURIEN_Msk; else i2c->TOCTL &= ~I2C_TOCTL_TOCURIEN_Msk; i2c->TOCTL |= I2C_TOCTL_TOCEN_Msk; } /** * @brief This function disables timeout function. * @param[in] i2c is the base address of I2C module. * @return none. */ void I2C_DisableTimeout(I2C_T *i2c) { i2c->TOCTL &= ~I2C_TOCTL_TOCEN_Msk; } /** * @brief This function enables the wakeup function of I2C module. * @param[in] i2c is the base address of I2C module. * @return none. */ void I2C_EnableWakeup(I2C_T *i2c) { if(i2c == I2C0) //only support for port0 i2c->CTL1 |= I2C_CTL1_WKEN_Msk; } /** * @brief This function disables the wakeup function of I2C module. * @param[in] i2c is the base address of I2C module. * @return none. */ void I2C_DisableWakeup(I2C_T *i2c) { if(i2c == I2C0) //only support for port0 i2c->CTL1 &= ~I2C_CTL1_WKEN_Msk; } /*@}*/ /* end of group Mini58_I2C_EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS */ /*@}*/ /* end of group Mini58_I2C_Driver */ /*@}*/ /* end of group Mini58_Device_Driver */ /*** (C) COPYRIGHT 2015 Nuvoton Technology Corp. ***/